Shiro was also known to be among the most skilled in hand-to-hand combat among the Paladins. His bond with Black was so deep that Shiro was the only Paladin to pass the blind dive training exercise, thus allowing him to see through Black's senses and body. In addition to his skills piloting human ships, Shiro was also a master pilot of the Black Lion. He is a natural pilot of legendary reputation back on Earth, where his skills made him a hero to many aspiring pilots such as Keith and Lance. Shiro is a pilot of almost unheard of ability. He initially sided with Keith on knocking it off before engaging in it himself, causing the Red Paladin to appear embarrassed that his leader was acting so ridiculously. Despite how serious and straightforward Shiro can be, he can also be just as silly and laid back as his friends when he has the chance, such as when his friends were making "laser noises". Shiro's skills as a leader are further enhanced by the familial bond he forms with all of his teammates. This is highlighted in his patience with Pidge, as he knew that she was Katie Holt due to having worked closely with her missing family members, and sympathized with her loss and understood her grief, frustration, and desire to uncover their fates.

Although he holds a commanding presence, Shiro is actually quite kind as well as sensitive to the struggles and concerns his fellow Paladins are undergoing or may have.

Shiro's personality is that of a born leader, naturally adept at calmly commanding his team.

Holt was sent to a labor camp, while Shiro and Matt were sent to become fighters in Emperor Zarkon's Gladiatorial Arena. While Earth's governments officially reported them missing due to pilot error, the three had in reality been abducted by a passing Galra ship which had been scouting Earth's solar system for signs of Voltron. Samuel Holt and his son, Matt Holt, which at that point in time was the furthest that humans had ever traveled into the universe. Originally an exploration pilot for the Galaxy Garrison, Shiro traveled to Pluto's moon Kerberos with Dr.